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V K Golf

V K Golf
V.K. 楂樺皵澶悆鍦猴紝Lot 1-5,1st Floor,Plaza City One,Jalan Munshi Abdullah,50100 Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia
鐢佃瘽/浼犵湡锛�603-26945992 鐢佃瘽 603-26916612 鎯犳櫘 016-2926918 / 019-3594530
鐢靛瓙閭欢锛歷kgolfhouse@yahoo.com.my Facebook锛歨ttp://www.facebook.com/vkgolfhouse
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XXIO Golf銆丮aruman Golf銆丼Yard Golf銆丗ourteen Golf銆丒NA Crane Golf銆丳ower Bilt Golf銆丼kins銆丼word Golf銆丳erry Gear銆丣Linderberg銆丅en Sayers Golf銆乀aylor Made Golf銆丆allaway Golf銆丳ing Golf銆乀itleist Golf 鐨勬巿鏉冮浂鍞晢锛� 闆呴┈鍝堥珮灏斿か銆佸▉寤夊鏂珮灏斿か銆佸ぇ鍜岄珮灏斿か銆丱noff 楂樺皵澶€乄ilson 楂樺皵澶€丒pon 楂樺皵澶€丮ac Gregor 楂樺皵澶€並atana 楂樺皵澶€佹湰闂撮珮灏斿か銆乊es 鎺ㄦ潌銆丱dyssey 鎺ㄦ潌銆丼cotty Cameroon 鎺ㄦ潌銆並ing Cobra 楂樺皵澶€丮izuno 楂樺皵澶€丄dams 楂樺皵澶€乁s Kids 楂樺皵澶€丩ynx 楂樺皵澶€丼lazenger 楂樺皵澶€丮axfli 楂樺皵澶€丅en Sayers 楂樺皵澶€丆rest Link 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ銆侀樋杩揪鏂湇瑁呭拰楂樺皵澶厤楗般€佽€愬厠鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ銆丆ross Creek 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ銆丄shworth 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ銆乀our Club 鏈嶈 鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶄欢銆並asco 楂樺皵澶€佹櫘鍒╁徃閫氶珮灏斿か銆乀our Stage 楂樺皵澶€丳recept 楂樺皵澶€乀oppro 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶄欢銆並atana 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶄欢銆丮axfli 楂樺皵澶€乀ommy Armor 楂樺皵澶€丼rixon 楂樺皵澶€乆xio 楂樺皵澶€丆leveland 楂樺皵澶€丆allaway 楂樺皵澶€丼rixon 鏈嶈 鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ, Bell & Page 楂樺皵澶湇瑁呭拰楂樺皵澶厤楗� , PGA 宸″洖璧涙湇瑁呭拰楂樺皵澶厤楗� , Wilson 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ , Honma 鏈嶈鍜岄珮灏斿か閰嶉グ , Cutter & Buick 楂樺皵澶湇瑁呭拰楂樺皵澶厤楗� , Nike Golf, Nike 楂樺皵澶湇瑁呭拰閰嶉グ , 鑷� 1989 骞翠互鏉ワ紝Bell & Page 鏈嶈鍜岄厤楗般€丳UMA 楂樺皵澶澶囥€丳uma 鏈嶈鍜� Puma 閰嶉グ绛夛紒

V.K.Enterprise 杩樹笓闂ㄥ湪 Srixon銆乀itleist Pro V1銆乀itleist Pro V1X銆丳recept銆佹櫘鍒╁徃閫� E5銆佹櫘鍒╁徃閫� E6銆佹櫘鍒╁徃閫� E7銆並asco銆丼uper Newing 绛変笂鍗板埛楂樺皵澶悆鏍囧織銆俈.K.Enterprise 杩樺湪闆ㄤ紴銆乀 鎭ゃ€佹尝澹】鍖呬笂鍗板埛鏍囧織 銆侀瀷琚嬨€佹湇瑁呫€侀珮灏斿か鐞冭¥銆丮arker's 绛夌瓑銆俈.K.Enterprise 鎴愮珛浜� 1989 骞达紝鍦ㄨ繃鍘� 23 骞翠腑鏄珮灏斿か琛屼笟涓韩鏈夌洓瑾夌殑鍔涢噺锛屾嫢鏈変袱涓富瑕侀攢鍞偣锛屾彁渚涙渶骞挎硾鐨勯珮灏斿か淇变箰閮ㄥ拰椤剁骇鍝佺墝銆� V.K.Enterprise 涓撴敞浜庡湪楂樺皵澶悆銆佹尝澹】鍖呫€侀瀷鍖呫€佹湇瑁呫€侀洦浼炪€丗J 鎵嬪銆侀珮灏斿か纾佹€ф爣璁板拰 T 鎭や笂鍗板埛浼佷笟鏍囧織銆俈.K.Enterprise 杩樹笓闂ㄤ负楂樺皵澶悆鎵嬫彁渚涗粠 3 鐮佸埌 16 鐮佺殑 Foot Joy 楂樺皵澶悆闉嬨€�

VK Golf House 涓哄皬鍙枫€佷腑鍙枫€丩arga銆佺壒澶у彿銆佺壒澶у彿鍙屼汉鍙峰拰 Triple XL 鍙锋湇瑁呭拰灏虹爜閰嶄欢杩涜浼佷笟瀹氬埗璁捐锛屼负浼佷笟閿︽爣璧涘畾鍒惰璁″甫鏈夊窘鏍囩殑楂樺皵澶悆琚嬶紝甯︽湁寰芥爣鐨勫畾鍒惰璁¢瀷琚嬶紝瀹氬埗璁捐娉㈠+椤垮寘 甯︽湁寰芥爣绛夌瓑銆�

V.K.Enterprise 鎻愪緵鐢峰+鍜屽コ澹乏鎵嬪叏濂楅珮灏斿か鐞冨瑁呫€佸乏鎵嬩釜浜洪珮灏斿か鐞冩潌銆佸乏鎵嬫帹鏉嗐€佸乏鎵嬫墜濂椼€佸乏鎵嬬悆閬撴湪鏉嗐€佸乏鎵嬫贩鍚堟潌銆佸乏鎵嬮搧鏉嗙粍绛夌瓑銆�

V.K.ENTERPRISE 鏄┈鏉ヨタ浜氱殑涓€绔欏紡宸︽墜楂樺皵澶悆淇变箰閮ㄤ腑蹇冦€� 鎴戜滑杩樹笓娉ㄤ簬鍦ㄩ┈鏉ヨタ浜氬拰娴峰璁㈣喘 LEFT HAND 鐞冩潌锛屽苟閫氳繃 KTM 鎴� Pos Laju 鎻愪緵闂ㄥ埌闂ㄩ€佽揣鏈嶅姟銆� 鐜板湪涓嶈鍐嶆墦鐢佃瘽鎴栨嫓璁� V.K.Enterprise锛�

V.K.Enterprise 杩橀攢鍞粠 1 鐮佸埌 15 鐮佺殑楂樺皵澶悆闉嬶紝閫傜敤浜� Foot Joy 楂樺皵澶悆闉嬪拰甯︽湁 Super Lite 鐭冲ⅷ鏉嗚韩鐨� JUNIOR 楂樺皵澶悆濂楄銆侀潚灏戝勾楂樺皵澶悆闉嬪拰闈掑皯骞撮珮灏斿か鎵嬪銆�

V.K.Enterprise 鏄┈鏉ヨタ浜氱涓€瀹堕€氳繃蹇€掑拰 KTMD Anywhere Anytime 鍦ㄥ涓垨鍔炲叕瀹よ交鏉俱€佽垝閫傚湴涓哄悇绾ч珮灏斿か鐞冩墜鎻愪緵闂ㄥ埌闂ㄩ€佽揣鏈嶅姟鐨勫叕鍙搞€� 椹潵瑗夸簹鍜屼笘鐣屽叾浠栧湴鍖哄叿鏈夌珵浜夊姏涓斿悎鐞嗙殑鏀惰垂锛�

V.K.Enterprise 杩樻彁渚涘畾鍒惰璁� Stiched 鏈嶈銆丗1 T 鎭ゃ€佸す鍏嬨€侀琛c€侀€傚悎楠戣嚜琛岃溅鑰呭拰鍏朵粬杩愬姩鐨勫仴韬澶囥€佹尝澹】鍖呫€侀瀷鍖呫€侀洦浼� - 鍗曟垨鍙岄洦浼炪€佹瘺宸俱€佽儗鍖呯瓑绛夛紝浠锋牸瀹炴儬 鏍规嵁鍏徃鍜屽鎴峰鏉愭枡璐ㄩ噺鐨勯渶姹傝€屽畾鐨勪环鏍煎彲鑳芥槸 Polo 鎻愯姳銆丮icro Dry 鍜屽叾浠栨潗鏂欙紝浠锋牸鏋佸叿绔炰簤鍔涳紝骞朵笖涓嶄細褰卞搷甯︽垨涓嶅甫鍏徃寰芥爣鐨勯珮璐ㄩ噺浜у搧浜や粯銆� 鎴戜滑杩樻彁渚涙按鏅跺鏉€佺妧鐗涚瑪銆佹淳鍏嬬瑪绛夛紝鐢ㄤ簬绀煎搧鍜屽叕鍙搁珮灏斿か娲诲姩鎴栧叾浠栦綋鑲茬邯蹇靛搧銆� 鎴戜滑杩樹笓闂ㄥ埗浣滅幓鐠冨鏉灦锛岀敤浜庢斁缃珮灏斿か鐞冦€佹鐞冩绛夌ぜ鍝侊紝鐣欎笅鐝嶈吹鐨勫洖蹇嗐€�

V.K.Enterprise 杩樹笓娉ㄤ簬浼佷笟楂樺皵澶渶姹傦紝濡傞珮灏斿か T 鎭ゃ€佸す鍏嬨€侀琛c€侀珮灏斿か鐞冨寘銆佹墜鎻愬寘銆佹柉绉戣拏甯姐€佺粨鏋勫附銆佹笖澶附銆佽崏甯�


  • V K Golf 已添加 新的产品 Callaway Golf 分类. WhatsApp me if you're interested
    2 小时前.
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    OPUS Wedge Chrome Spin Gen Face Technology For Tour Level Spin Spin Gen Face Technology provides spin and control in your wedges by combining 3 key e ...
  • V K Golf 已添加 3 样新的产品 Callaway Golf 分类. WhatsApp me if you're interested
    3 小时前.
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  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    19 小时前.
    16398 到达
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    **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales: Unbeatable Deals on Golf Gear!** Attention golfers! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales**. This exclusive event offers unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golf equipment and accessories. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone at these incredible prices. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From drivers to wedges, our extensive range of products ensures you'll find exactly what you need to enhance your game. ### **Why Shop at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: We only offer the best, ensuring you get top-notch products every time. - **Expert Advice**: Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the perfect gear for your game. - **Convenient Shopping**: Visit us in-store or shop online for a seamless experience. **Visit Us Today:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 - **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com - **Website**: [www.vkgolfshop.com](http://www.vkgolfshop.com) **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* --- Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to save and shop smart. Join us at the Poket Bocor Fire Sales and elevate your golf game with the latest and greatest gear! https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    19 小时前.
    8843 到达
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    **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales: Unbeatable Deals on Golf Gear!** Attention golfers! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales**. This exclusive event offers unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golf equipment and accessories. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone at these incredible prices. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From drivers to wedges, our extensive range of products ensures you'll find exactly what you need to enhance your game. ### **Why Shop at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: We only offer the best, ensuring you get top-notch products every time. - **Expert Advice**: Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the perfect gear for your game. - **Convenient Shopping**: Visit us in-store or shop online for a seamless experience. **Visit Us Today:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 - **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com - **Website**: [www.vkgolfshop.com](http://www.vkgolfshop.com) **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* --- Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to save and shop smart. Join us at the Poket Bocor Fire Sales and elevate your golf game with the latest and greatest gear! https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    19 小时前.
    8848 到达
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    **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales: Unbeatable Deals on Golf Gear!** Attention golfers! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales**. This exclusive event offers unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golf equipment and accessories. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone at these incredible prices. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From drivers to wedges, our extensive range of products ensures you'll find exactly what you need to enhance your game. ### **Why Shop at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: We only offer the best, ensuring you get top-notch products every time. - **Expert Advice**: Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the perfect gear for your game. - **Convenient Shopping**: Visit us in-store or shop online for a seamless experience. **Visit Us Today:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 - **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com - **Website**: [www.vkgolfshop.com](http://www.vkgolfshop.com) **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* --- Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to save and shop smart. Join us at the Poket Bocor Fire Sales and elevate your golf game with the latest and greatest gear! https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    19 小时前.
    8546 到达
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    **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales: Unbeatable Deals on Golf Gear!** Attention golfers! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with **V K Golf's Poket Bocor Fire Sales**. This exclusive event offers unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golf equipment and accessories. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro, there's something for everyone at these incredible prices. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From drivers to wedges, our extensive range of products ensures you'll find exactly what you need to enhance your game. ### **Why Shop at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: We only offer the best, ensuring you get top-notch products every time. - **Expert Advice**: Our knowledgeable staff is always ready to help you find the perfect gear for your game. - **Convenient Shopping**: Visit us in-store or shop online for a seamless experience. **Visit Us Today:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 - **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com - **Website**: [www.vkgolfshop.com](http://www.vkgolfshop.com) **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* --- Don't miss out on this exclusive opportunity to save and shop smart. Join us at the Poket Bocor Fire Sales and elevate your golf game with the latest and greatest gear! https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    昨天 01:34 am.
    24046 到达
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    **Poket Bocor Sale: V K Golf's Best Campaign 7th Nov 2024 till 10th Nov 2024** Poket Bocor Sale: Discounts from 25% to 55% on Big Brands V K Golf - BluePrint DNA of GOLF Sales Leader! Attention all golf enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with the **Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf**, where you'll find unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golfing gear and accessories. This campaign is designed to help you save big while upgrading your golf equipment. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From beginners to seasoned pros, there's something for every golfer in our diverse range of products. ### **Why Choose Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: All products in the sale are carefully selected to ensure top-notch quality and customer satisfaction. - **Convenient Shopping**: Shop in-store or online, making it easy to find and purchase your favorite golf gear. - **Customer-Centric Approach**: Our campaign is designed with your needs in mind, offering great deals and a seamless shopping experience. ### **Stay Connected** Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save and shop smart. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates on the Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf. **Visit Us:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    昨天 01:33 am.
    23905 到达
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    **Poket Bocor Sale: V K Golf's Best Campaign 7th Nov 2024 till 10th Nov 2024** Poket Bocor Sale: Discounts from 25% to 55% on Big Brands V K Golf - BluePrint DNA of GOLF Sales Leader! Attention all golf enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with the **Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf**, where you'll find unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golfing gear and accessories. This campaign is designed to help you save big while upgrading your golf equipment. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From beginners to seasoned pros, there's something for every golfer in our diverse range of products. ### **Why Choose Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: All products in the sale are carefully selected to ensure top-notch quality and customer satisfaction. - **Convenient Shopping**: Shop in-store or online, making it easy to find and purchase your favorite golf gear. - **Customer-Centric Approach**: Our campaign is designed with your needs in mind, offering great deals and a seamless shopping experience. ### **Stay Connected** Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save and shop smart. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates on the Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf. **Visit Us:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    昨天 01:33 am.
    18492 到达
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    **Poket Bocor Sale: V K Golf's Best Campaign 7th Nov 2024 till 10th Nov 2024** Poket Bocor Sale: Discounts from 25% to 55% on Big Brands V K Golf - BluePrint DNA of GOLF Sales Leader! Attention all golf enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with the **Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf**, where you'll find unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golfing gear and accessories. This campaign is designed to help you save big while upgrading your golf equipment. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From beginners to seasoned pros, there's something for every golfer in our diverse range of products. ### **Why Choose Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: All products in the sale are carefully selected to ensure top-notch quality and customer satisfaction. - **Convenient Shopping**: Shop in-store or online, making it easy to find and purchase your favorite golf gear. - **Customer-Centric Approach**: Our campaign is designed with your needs in mind, offering great deals and a seamless shopping experience. ### **Stay Connected** Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save and shop smart. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates on the Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf. **Visit Us:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    昨天 01:32 am.
    15160 到达
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    **Poket Bocor Sale: V K Golf's Best Campaign 7th Nov 2024 till 10th Nov 2024** Poket Bocor Sale: Discounts from 25% to 55% on Big Brands V K Golf - BluePrint DNA of GOLF Sales Leader! Attention all golf enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with the **Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf**, where you'll find unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golfing gear and accessories. This campaign is designed to help you save big while upgrading your golf equipment. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From beginners to seasoned pros, there's something for every golfer in our diverse range of products. ### **Why Choose Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: All products in the sale are carefully selected to ensure top-notch quality and customer satisfaction. - **Convenient Shopping**: Shop in-store or online, making it easy to find and purchase your favorite golf gear. - **Customer-Centric Approach**: Our campaign is designed with your needs in mind, offering great deals and a seamless shopping experience. ### **Stay Connected** Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save and shop smart. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates on the Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf. **Visit Us:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    昨天 01:31 am.
    14973 到达
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    **Poket Bocor Sale: V K Golf's Best Campaign 7th Nov 2024 till 10th Nov 2024** Poket Bocor Sale: Discounts from 25% to 55% on Big Brands V K Golf - BluePrint DNA of GOLF Sales Leader! Attention all golf enthusiasts! Get ready for the ultimate shopping experience with the **Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf**, where you'll find unbeatable deals and discounts on a wide range of golfing gear and accessories. This campaign is designed to help you save big while upgrading your golf equipment. ### **What's on Offer?** - **Massive Discounts**: Enjoy significant savings on top-quality golf clubs, balls, apparel, and more. - **Exclusive Bundles**: Take advantage of specially curated bundles that offer even more value for your money. - **Wide Selection**: From beginners to seasoned pros, there's something for every golfer in our diverse range of products. ### **Why Choose Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf?** - **Quality Assurance**: All products in the sale are carefully selected to ensure top-notch quality and customer satisfaction. - **Convenient Shopping**: Shop in-store or online, making it easy to find and purchase your favorite golf gear. - **Customer-Centric Approach**: Our campaign is designed with your needs in mind, offering great deals and a seamless shopping experience. ### **Stay Connected** Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity to save and shop smart. Follow us on social media and stay tuned for updates on the Poket Bocor Sale at V K Golf. **Visit Us:** - **Address**: Lot 1-5, 1st Floor, Plaza City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, 50100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia **Phone**: 019-359-4530, 016-292-6918, +60-10-239-4172 **Email**: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com **Motto**: *V K Golf, Truly Affordable* https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    Nov 3, 2024 at 10:35 pm.
    30711 到达
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    **Experience the Exclusive 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs Launch with V K Golf** For decades, V K Golf has established itself as a pillar in Malaysia's golf community. From personalized golf balls to top-tier apparel, we've consistently delivered products that resonate with quality and affordability. Golf enthusiasts, mark your calendars for an event that promises to be the highlight of the golfing year! From **6th to 9th November 2024**, the renowned V K Golf Executive Chairman, V.K himself, will be attending the exclusive launch of the **2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs** in Ho Chi Minh City. This prestigious event, envied by hundreds but attended by only a select few, is set to unveil the next generation of golf clubs that promise to revolutionize your game. ### **Srixon ZXI Irons** The new **Srixon ZXI Irons** are crafted with **i-FORGED technology**, delivering superior feel, distance, forgiveness, and control. The single-piece forging and innovative steel composition ensure a sleek, highly workable package that caters to both tour-level and low-handicap golfers. ### **Srixon ZXI Driver** The **Srixon ZXI Driver** promises incredible distance and accuracy, featuring a larger head shape and adjustable hosel sleeve for personalized launch specs. Designed to inspire confidence at address, this driver is perfect for golfers looking to maximize their performance off the tee. ### **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** The **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** are engineered for faster ball speeds and enhanced forgiveness. With a new, larger head shape, these fairway woods are designed to give you longer shots and inspire confidence with every swing. ### **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** The **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** offer even faster ball speeds, a new, larger head shape, and an adjustable hosel sleeve for the first time. These hybrids are designed to provide longer shots, added forgiveness, and the ability to select your personal launch specs. ### **Why Attend the Launch?** - **Exclusive Access**: Be among the first to witness the unveiling of the cutting-edge Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. - **Expert Insights**: Gain invaluable insights from V.K and other industry experts on the latest trends and technologies in golf. - **Networking Opportunities**: Connect with like-minded golf enthusiasts and professionals in a unique, high-profile setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of an exclusive group that gets a firsthand look at the 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. It's not just an event; it's an experience that will leave a lasting impact on your golfing journey. https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    Nov 3, 2024 at 10:34 pm.
    30626 到达
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    **Experience the Exclusive 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs Launch with V K Golf** For decades, V K Golf has established itself as a pillar in Malaysia's golf community. From personalized golf balls to top-tier apparel, we've consistently delivered products that resonate with quality and affordability. Golf enthusiasts, mark your calendars for an event that promises to be the highlight of the golfing year! From **6th to 9th November 2024**, the renowned V K Golf Executive Chairman, V.K himself, will be attending the exclusive launch of the **2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs** in Ho Chi Minh City. This prestigious event, envied by hundreds but attended by only a select few, is set to unveil the next generation of golf clubs that promise to revolutionize your game. ### **Srixon ZXI Irons** The new **Srixon ZXI Irons** are crafted with **i-FORGED technology**, delivering superior feel, distance, forgiveness, and control. The single-piece forging and innovative steel composition ensure a sleek, highly workable package that caters to both tour-level and low-handicap golfers. ### **Srixon ZXI Driver** The **Srixon ZXI Driver** promises incredible distance and accuracy, featuring a larger head shape and adjustable hosel sleeve for personalized launch specs. Designed to inspire confidence at address, this driver is perfect for golfers looking to maximize their performance off the tee. ### **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** The **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** are engineered for faster ball speeds and enhanced forgiveness. With a new, larger head shape, these fairway woods are designed to give you longer shots and inspire confidence with every swing. ### **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** The **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** offer even faster ball speeds, a new, larger head shape, and an adjustable hosel sleeve for the first time. These hybrids are designed to provide longer shots, added forgiveness, and the ability to select your personal launch specs. ### **Why Attend the Launch?** - **Exclusive Access**: Be among the first to witness the unveiling of the cutting-edge Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. - **Expert Insights**: Gain invaluable insights from V.K and other industry experts on the latest trends and technologies in golf. - **Networking Opportunities**: Connect with like-minded golf enthusiasts and professionals in a unique, high-profile setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of an exclusive group that gets a firsthand look at the 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. It's not just an event; it's an experience that will leave a lasting impact on your golfing journey. https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    Nov 3, 2024 at 10:33 pm.
    30566 到达
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    **Experience the Exclusive 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs Launch with V K Golf** For decades, V K Golf has established itself as a pillar in Malaysia's golf community. From personalized golf balls to top-tier apparel, we've consistently delivered products that resonate with quality and affordability. Golf enthusiasts, mark your calendars for an event that promises to be the highlight of the golfing year! From **6th to 9th November 2024**, the renowned V K Golf Executive Chairman, V.K himself, will be attending the exclusive launch of the **2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs** in Ho Chi Minh City. This prestigious event, envied by hundreds but attended by only a select few, is set to unveil the next generation of golf clubs that promise to revolutionize your game. ### **Srixon ZXI Irons** The new **Srixon ZXI Irons** are crafted with **i-FORGED technology**, delivering superior feel, distance, forgiveness, and control. The single-piece forging and innovative steel composition ensure a sleek, highly workable package that caters to both tour-level and low-handicap golfers. ### **Srixon ZXI Driver** The **Srixon ZXI Driver** promises incredible distance and accuracy, featuring a larger head shape and adjustable hosel sleeve for personalized launch specs. Designed to inspire confidence at address, this driver is perfect for golfers looking to maximize their performance off the tee. ### **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** The **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** are engineered for faster ball speeds and enhanced forgiveness. With a new, larger head shape, these fairway woods are designed to give you longer shots and inspire confidence with every swing. ### **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** The **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** offer even faster ball speeds, a new, larger head shape, and an adjustable hosel sleeve for the first time. These hybrids are designed to provide longer shots, added forgiveness, and the ability to select your personal launch specs. ### **Why Attend the Launch?** - **Exclusive Access**: Be among the first to witness the unveiling of the cutting-edge Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. - **Expert Insights**: Gain invaluable insights from V.K and other industry experts on the latest trends and technologies in golf. - **Networking Opportunities**: Connect with like-minded golf enthusiasts and professionals in a unique, high-profile setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of an exclusive group that gets a firsthand look at the 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. It's not just an event; it's an experience that will leave a lasting impact on your golfing journey. https://www.vkgolfshop.com
  • V K Golf 已添加 新的帖子.
    Nov 3, 2024 at 10:32 pm.
    30553 到达
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    **Experience the Exclusive 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs Launch with V K Golf** For decades, V K Golf has established itself as a pillar in Malaysia's golf community. From personalized golf balls to top-tier apparel, we've consistently delivered products that resonate with quality and affordability. Golf enthusiasts, mark your calendars for an event that promises to be the highlight of the golfing year! From **6th to 9th November 2024**, the renowned V K Golf Executive Chairman, V.K himself, will be attending the exclusive launch of the **2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs** in Ho Chi Minh City. This prestigious event, envied by hundreds but attended by only a select few, is set to unveil the next generation of golf clubs that promise to revolutionize your game. ### **Srixon ZXI Irons** The new **Srixon ZXI Irons** are crafted with **i-FORGED technology**, delivering superior feel, distance, forgiveness, and control. The single-piece forging and innovative steel composition ensure a sleek, highly workable package that caters to both tour-level and low-handicap golfers. ### **Srixon ZXI Driver** The **Srixon ZXI Driver** promises incredible distance and accuracy, featuring a larger head shape and adjustable hosel sleeve for personalized launch specs. Designed to inspire confidence at address, this driver is perfect for golfers looking to maximize their performance off the tee. ### **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** The **Srixon ZXI Fairway Woods** are engineered for faster ball speeds and enhanced forgiveness. With a new, larger head shape, these fairway woods are designed to give you longer shots and inspire confidence with every swing. ### **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** The **Srixon ZXI Hybrids** offer even faster ball speeds, a new, larger head shape, and an adjustable hosel sleeve for the first time. These hybrids are designed to provide longer shots, added forgiveness, and the ability to select your personal launch specs. ### **Why Attend the Launch?** - **Exclusive Access**: Be among the first to witness the unveiling of the cutting-edge Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. - **Expert Insights**: Gain invaluable insights from V.K and other industry experts on the latest trends and technologies in golf. - **Networking Opportunities**: Connect with like-minded golf enthusiasts and professionals in a unique, high-profile setting. Don't miss out on this opportunity to be part of an exclusive group that gets a firsthand look at the 2025 Srixon ZXI Golf Clubs. It's not just an event; it's an experience that will leave a lasting impact on your golfing journey. https://www.vkgolfshop.com
Show More Info

V K Golf (764375-V)
Lot 1-5,1st Floor, Menara City One, Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Off Jalan Masjid India, 50100 Kuala Lumpur. (Besides Semua House Building)
Google Maps Waze

电话: +603-26945992, +603-26916612
手机: +6016-2926918, +6019-3594530
传真: +603-26945992

邮件: vkgolfhouse@yahoo.com.my
网址: https://www.vkgolfshop.com
网址: https://vkgolfshop.newpages.com.my/
网址: http://vkgolfshop.n.my/

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