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  • Understanding Back Pain: Debunking the Slipped Disc Myth and Benphysio's Approach to Treatment

    Misconceptions surrounding back pain are prevalent in Malaysia, with a common belief among Malaysians that back pain is synonymous with Slipped Disc. This video provides an explanation of what Slipped Disc actually is, along with the approach taken by Benphysio, and how we can assist individuals dealing with this issue. If you found this video beneficial, please consider sharing it with others ö #no1handsonphysiotherapy

    Book your slot with us to get the precise diagnosis and treatment now! https://qmed.asia/find-care/benphysio
      Category by Low Back Pain
  • Why ladies always low back pain? Is it because your back muscles are weak? Or is it genetic?

    Low back pain is common among ladies. Why? Why? Why? One of the reason, pregnancy! Pregnancy change your posture.. After delivery, if you do not do EXERCISE to restore your posture, you will FEEL THE LOW BACK PAIN in future. Hi everyone. Welcome to BENPHYSIO channel. Uncle ben is a physiotherapist by profession. He loves to talk.. Well. We found him this channel for him to talk endlessly. Welcome & feel free to watch those videos. His goal is to share his 15 years of clinical experiences in physio, think out of the box, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Benphysio will answer your enquiries. BENPHYSIO believes: "Its not treatment that matters, it is the DIAGNOSIS that does". If your treatment direction is wrong, your treatment wont work well!! FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab Tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • ¼¹×µ²àÍ䣿ÊÇÑüÍ´µÄÖ÷ÒªÔ­Òò£¿¼¹×µ²àÍäÐèÒª¹Ø×¢Âð£¿

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  • Scoliosis is a problem? Is scoliosis causing me to have low back pain?

    Very common, after you suffer severe backpain, medical practitioner will ask you to take xray or MRI. Then found out that he/she has scoliosis. How true, how assure that your low back pain is due to scoliosis? Hi everyone. Welcome to BENPHYSIO channel. Uncle ben is a physiotherapist by profession. He loves to talk.. Well. We found him this channel for him to talk endlessly. Welcome & feel free to watch those videos. His goal is to share his 15 years of clinical experiences in physio, think out of the box, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Benphysio will answer your enquiries. BENPHYSIO believes: "Its not treatment that matters, it is the DIAGNOSIS that does". If your treatment direction is wrong, your treatment wont work well!! FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab Tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • What mattress suitable for me? Hard bed? Soft bed?

    Often, patients are asking, is it my mattress that cause me back pain? What mattress is good? i bought a new one recently. Do I need to change it? Hi everyone. Welcome to BENPHYSIO channel. Uncle ben is a physiotherapist by profession. He loves to talk.. Well. We found him this channel for him to talk endlessly. Welcome & feel free to watch those videos. His goal is to share his 15 years of clinical experiences in physio, think out of the box, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. Benphysio will answer your enquiries. BENPHYSIO believes: "Its not treatment that matters, it is the DIAGNOSIS that does". If your treatment direction is wrong, your treatment wont work well!! FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab Tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • Ó²µÄ´²Ë¬£¬»¹ÊÇÈíµÄ´²ºÃ£¿aiyo. »»´²Ê±¼äµ½ÁË£¡£¡£¡

    hi ´ó¼ÒºÃ£¡ »¶Ó­¹Û¿´Benphysio ½¡¿µÆµµÀ¡£ Uncle Ben ÊÇÒ»ÃûÎïÀíÖÎÁÆʦ¡£Ï²»¶½²½²½²,ÖÕÓÚÕÒµ½Ò»¸öµØ·½¸øËû½²²»Í£ÁË¡£ Uncle Ben Ï£Íû¿ÉÒÔ¸ø´ó¼Ò¶ÔÓÚÌÛÍ´£¬²»Í¬µÄ¹ÛÄî¡£ ËûÏàÐÅ£¬Ö»ÓС¶Õï¶Ï¶ÔÁË£¬ÖÎÁÆ·½ÏòÒ²¶Ô¡·ÁË£¬ÈκÎÉíÌåÌÛÍ´ÊÇ¿ÉÒÔ½â¾öµÄ¡£ ¶à¶àÖ§³Ö£¬»¶Ó­Ñ¯ÎÊ/×Éѯ¹ØÓÚÉíÌåµÄÎÊÌâ¡£ FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab Tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • ÊÖ½ÅÂé±Ô£¬ÊǼ¹×µÑ¹ÆÈ£¿

    »¶Ó­¹Û¿´Benphysio µÄ½¡¿µÆµµÀ¡£ ºÜ¶àÅóÓѶÔÎïÀíÖÎÁƵÄÈÏÖ®£¬»¹Í£ÁôÔÚ¡¶Öз縴½¨¡·£¬¡¶¹ÇÕÛ¸´½¨¡·£¬no. no. no.. ½ñÌ죬ƫͷʹ£¬¶úÃù£¬ò¦¹Ç(jaw/TMJ)Í´£¬Ï¥¸Ç£¬Ñü×µ£¨ÉÁµ½Ñü£©£¬¾±×µ£¨ÂäÕí£©£¬µÈÉíÌåС벡¶¼¿ÉÒÔ×ÉѯÎïÀíÖÎÁÆ£¡£¡ Uncle Ben ÊÇBENÎïÀíÖÎÁƵĴ´Ê¼ÈË¡£Ï²»¶½²½²½²,ÖÕÓÚÕÒµ½Ò»¸öµØ·½¸øËû½²²»Í£ÁË¡£ Uncle Ben Ï£Íû¿ÉÒÔ¸ø´ó¼Ò¶ÔÓÚÌÛÍ´£¬²»Í¬µÄ¹ÛÄî¡£ ÎÒÃÇ´´ÔìÕâ¼äÖÐÐÄ£¬ÒòΪÎÒÃÇÈÏΪ£ºÊÀÉÏÓÐÌ«¶àÖÖÖÎÁÆ·½°¸£¬¿ÉÊÇ£¬Èç¹ûÕï¶Ï´íÎ󣬾Ͱװ×ÀË·ÑÁËʱ¼ä½ðÇ®ºÍ²»±ØÒªµÄÊÖx. ÔÚBENÎïÀíÖÎÁÆ£¬ÎÒÃÇר×ö¡¶Í½ÊÖÎïÀíÖÎÁÆ¡·£¬¾ÍÊÇ£¬²»ÓûúÆ÷£¬ÓýîĤ°´Ä¦·½Ê½°ïÖúÄúµÄÍ´¼õÇá¡£ ÕâÖÖÖÎÁÆ£¬Í¨³£µÚÒ»´Î¾Í¿ÉÒÔ¿´µ½Ð§¹ûÁË¡£ ¶à¶àÖ§³Ö£¬»¶Ó­Ñ¯ÎÊ/×Éѯ¹ØÓÚÉíÌåµÄÎÊÌâ¡£ https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • 1¸ö¼òµ¥µÄÎè²½¡£¡£ ¸ú¡¶ÑüÍ´¡·Ëµbye bye!!!

    hi ´ó¼ÒºÃ£¡ »¶Ó­¹Û¿´BENPHYSIO ½¡¿µÆµµÀ¡£ Uncle Ben ÊÇÒ»ÃûÎïÀíÖÎÁÆʦ¡£Ï²»¶½²½²½²,ÖÕÓÚÕÒµ½Ò»¸öµØ·½¸øËû½²²»Í£ÁË¡£ Uncle Ben Ï£Íû¿ÉÒÔ¸ø´ó¼Ò¶ÔÓÚÌÛÍ´£¬²»Í¬µÄ¹ÛÄî¡£ ËûÏàÐÅ£¬Ö»ÓС¶Õï¶Ï¶ÔÁË£¬ÖÎÁÆ·½ÏòÒ²¶Ô¡·ÁË£¬ÈκÎÉíÌåÌÛÍ´ÊÇ¿ÉÒÔ½â¾öµÄ¡£ ¶à¶àÖ§³Ö£¬»¶Ó­Ñ¯ÎÊ/×Éѯ¹ØÓÚÉíÌåµÄÎÊÌâ¡£ FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • Ñü׵ͦ²»Ö±£¬²ÒÁË£¡ÉÁµ½Ñü£¬ºÜÍ´£¡ºÜÍ´£¡¿ÈËÔ¶¼»áÍ´£¬ÎªÊ²Ã´£¿£¿

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  • Ä£ÌضùcatwalkµÄʱºò, ¶¼ÇÌ×Åƨ¹É¡£ÕâÊÇÏ°¹ß£¬»¹ÊÇÌìÉú£¬»¹ÊÇÎÊÌ⣿

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  • High Heel is my LIFE. Can i still wear high heel despite severe back pain??

    Hi everyone. Welcome to BENPHYSIO channel. Welcome & feel free to watch those videos. His goal is to share his 15 years of clinical experiences in physio, think out of the box, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. BENPHYSIO will answer your enquiries. BENPHYSIO believes: "Its not treatment that matters, it is the DIAGNOSIS that does". If your treatment direction is wrong, your treatment wont work well!! FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab Tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • 99.99% of low back pain are due to this reason!!!

    Hi everyone!! Welcome to Benphysio health channel. Uncle ben is a physiotherapist by profession. He loves to talk.. Well.. We finally found him this channel for him to talk endlessly. Welcome & feel free to watch those videos. His goal is to share his 15 years of clinical experiences in physio, think our of box, etc. If you have any questions, feel free to comment below. This video will explain 99.99% of low back pain cases are due to SEXY bumps. Another word, when your back bone is overarched or over curved or over straighten!!! Uncle ben will answer your enquiries. Uncle Ben's believe: "Its not treatment that matters, it is the DIAGNOSIS that does". If your treatment direction is wrong, your treatment wont work well!! FB: benphysiotherapy IG: benphysiorehab tiktok: benloophysio https://wa.link/benphysiodamansara Category by Low Back Pain
  • ¹Ç÷ÀÊèËÉÖ¢£¬Êǵ¼ÖÂÑüÍ´µÄÔ­ÒòÂð£¿

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Benphysio Sdn Bhd (1304338-A)
Unit 2-1 & 2-2, 2nd floor, Oval Damansara, Jalan Damansara, 60000 Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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µç»°: +6016-390 2015

Óʼþ: benphysioenquire@gmail.com
ÍøÖ·: https://www.benphysio.com
ÍøÖ·: https://benphysio.newpages.com.my/
ÍøÖ·: http://benphysio.n.my/


17, Persiaran Ara Kiri, Lucky Garden, Bangsar, 59100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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µç»°: +6010-263 2015

40-G, Jalan Puteri 1/2, Bandar Puteri 47100 Puchong, Selangor, Malaysia.
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µç»°: +6010-253 2015

Lot G.09, Ground Floor, The Grange @ Ampwalk, 218, Jalan Ampang, 55000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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µç»°: +6010-283 2015
ÊÖ»ú: 60102832015
Óʼþ: benphysio.kl@gmail.com

Ground Floor, Mercu PICORP, Lot 10, Jalan Astaka U8/84, Bukit Jelutong Business & Technology Centre, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia.
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µç»°: +6016-240 2015

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