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  • inD' Design daily | about to upgrade lifestyle

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  • inD' Design daily | ABOUT TO

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  • inD’ Design daily | 开工仪式

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  • inD鈥 Design | we design . we build . we care

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  • inD' Design | A Solid 10Years of inD'finity Design 2019

    It’s been 10 years. 10 years that filled of ups and downs. A decade of commitment. It’s been 10 years of experience, 10 years of development, a solid 10 years. 2019 is the 10th anniversary of InD’finity Design. The 10-year journey has not been easy. With perseverance, confidence, concerted efforts and enthusiasm, we are moving towards our new goals. Perseverance is often synonymous with success. What is perseverance? It means strong will, tenacity, persistence and patience. Perseverance is the perfect expression of willpower. 10 years of cultivation, 10 years of sweat, 10 years of achievement, as we look back into the past 10 years, we also look forward to the next more glorious and magnificent 10 years. To commemorate this special milestone, we present to you our plans for the next 10 years, in the most customer-rewarding way. 銆 I believe that our wealth and good life bring with it a responsibility to give back to the society. First, we vow to give back to our customers and realize the concept of ‘one home one dream’. The upgrade of conception on planning, design and build is pivoted on three major upgrades: the upgrade of service quality, the upgrade of lifestyle, and last but not least, the more profound aspect, the upgrade of the whole industry, and the pleasure of creating and owning a worry-free home that beautifies your life. Second, we vow to give back to the society, give the orphanage in need a new interior design, and assist them realize the dream of having a heartwarming home. We’ll do our very best to achieve CRS (Corporate Social Responsibility). In the past 10 years, InD’finity Design provided the two following added values to our customers in addition to interior design services. The first is that the drawings, quotations, progress claims, and handover documents we provide are in accordance with ISO specifications, which indirectly urges us to do better and better. The second added value is after-sales service. We offer our customers a 1-year after-sales quality assurance and certificate (terms and conditions apply) to offer them the greatest confidence. In other words, if you find a problem after you move in, we will follow up closely and solve it so that you can live comfortably. We shall not be content with the current achievement, but rather use it as a basis to be prepared to take on any upcoming challenges at anytime. In the past 10 years, our heart of gratitude walked with you. Kategori Mengikut Semua
  • CSR Program . Life of Giving 2019 by inD'finity Design

    浜轰负浠涔堣鍋氭厛鍠勫憿锛熸厛鍠勭殑鐩殑鍦ㄤ簬浼犳挱锛岃鏇村鏈夐渶瑕佺殑浜烘劅鍙楀埌鐖憋紝鎰熷彈鍒版俯鏆栵紝鎰熷彈鍒板垢绂忥紝骞跺姞鍏ュ埌鎱堝杽鐨勯槦浼嶃傚彧瑕佷汉浜洪兘鐚嚭涓鐐圭埍锛屽皢鏄綍绛夌殑瑙勬ā鍜屾暟閲忕Н绱晩锛佷笘鐣屽皢鍙樺緱鏇村姞缇庡ソ銆傝繖渚挎槸鍋氭厛鍠勭殑鐩殑銆 鍦ㄨ繃鍘荤殑鏁板勾閲岋紝鎴戜滑inD’ Design 閮芥湁鍥哄畾鐨勫湪浠ユ崘娆剧殑鏂瑰紡缁欏ソ鍑犲鎱堝杽鏈烘瀯鍋氭厛鍠勩 鍦ㄤ粖骞达紝鍏徃姝e紡杩堝叆10鍛ㄥ勾锛屾垜浠粰鑷繁璁句笅浜嗕竴涓洰鏍 – 灏辨槸涓烘湁闇瑕佺殑浜哄幓灏借嚜宸辩殑鑳藉姏鍘诲府鍔╀粬浠傛垜浠叕鍙哥殑鐞嗗康灏辨槸 – 灏辩畻鍐嶄笉骞歌繍鐨勪汉閮藉煎緱鎷ユ湁涓涓俯鏆栧锛屽湪鎴戜滑璐ㄨ浜嗗ソ鍑犲闇瑕佸府鍔╃殑鍗曚綅鍚庯紝鏈鍚庢垜浠変簡褰撲腑鍗曚綅鐘跺喌鏈涓嶇悊鎯崇殑涓瀹跺鍎块櫌銆 鎱堝杽涓嶅彧鏄挶锛屾槸蹇 鍦ㄧ粡杩5娆$殑鎺㈣鍙婁簡瑙h瀛ゅ効闄㈠悗锛屾垜浠氨寮濮嬩簡涓绯诲垪鐨勪笓涓氱▼搴忋備粠浠栦滑闇瑕佺殑绌洪棿璁″垝鍒板疄鐢ㄦу強鎼厤涓浜涘皬瀛╁枩娆㈢殑璁捐姒傚康鍚庢潵閲嶆柊鍋氳皟鏁淬傝繃鍚庯紝鎴戜滑灏卞紑濮嬪彿鍙竴浜涘悎浣滃洟闃熷姞鍏ユ垜浠殑鎱堝杽闃熶紞銆 褰撲汉浠湁浜嗕竴瀹氱殑璐㈠瘜锛岃В鍐充簡鍩烘湰鐨勬俯楗遍棶棰樹箣鍚庯紝鎬讳細鑰冭檻鍋氫竴浜涘杽浜嬶紝鍋氫竴浜涘叕鐩婄殑浜嬩笟甯姪澶у銆傚洜涓烘厛鍠勬槸浜烘ф湰婧愶紝鍏蜂綋璇达紝鎱堝杽婧愯嚜浜庝汉鎬т箣鏈杽锛屼篃灏辨槸浜轰箣鎵浠ヤ负浜虹殑澶╄祴鏈э紝鏄鎬т娇鐒躲傚瓱瀛愭浘缁忚杩囦汉鎬ф湰鍠勶紝鐪嬪埌鍦ㄤ簳杈圭帺鑰嶇殑瀛╁瓙蹇鎺夊埌浜曢噷浜嗭紝鎵鏈夌殑浜洪兘浼氫几鍑烘彺鎵嬶紝杩欐槸鍑轰簬娼滄剰璇嗙殑鍐呭績椹卞姩鑰屼骇鐢熺殑琛屼负銆傛厛鍠勬槸璧蜂簬鎰熸ц岀粓浜庣悊鎬х殑锛屾劅鎬х殑鎯呮劅鏄厛鍠勬椿鍔ㄧ殑鍔ㄥ姏鍜屽紑绔紝涔嬪悗鐞嗘х殑鎰忚瘑鍐冲畾鎱堝杽娲诲姩鍙戝睍鐨勬柟鍚戙 鎴戜滑濮嬬粓鐩镐俊鍋氭厛鍠勫拰鍏泭鐨勪簨鏄垜浠嚜韬簿绁炵殑闇瑕侊紝涓嶆槸涓轰簡鍒汉锛屾槸涓轰簡鎴戜滑鑷繁绮剧鐨勮繘姝ュ拰鎻愬崌銆傛湁鐩婁簬绀句細鐨勫拰璋愪笌绋冲畾銆 鎴戜滑浼氬皢杩欎唤鐖卞績涓鐩翠紶閫掍笅鍘伙紝璁╂洿澶氱殑浜烘劅鍒版俯鏆栥傝禒浜虹帿鐟版墜鏈変綑棣欍 褰撳鐚垚涓轰範鎯紝浜虹殑鐢熸佺幆澧冨皢鏄俯鏆栫殑鏄ュぉ銆 Why do we give to charity? The purpose of giving to charity is to spread love, let more people in need feel love, warmth and happiness while encouraging more people to join the charity course at the same time. As long as everyone gives a little love, imagine the scale it can achieve and the quantity it can accumulate! The world can be even better. This, to us, is the purpose of giving to charity. In the past few years, InD’finity Design has regularly given our donation to charity organizations. This year, as the company officially entered its 10th anniversary, we set a goal for ourselves - to help those in need with our very best. Our philosophy: even if you were not born lucky, you deserve having a heartwarming home. After checking on several charity organizations that need help, we finally chose the orphanage that is most in need. Giving to charity is not just money, it is heart. After five visits, we had full understanding of the orphanage, and started a series of professional design. With the space plan they need (and practicality factored in), and some of the design concepts that the kids like, the entire design was revamped. Next, we began to get some other kind-hearted companies to join our charity team. When we’ve gathered a certain amount of wealth, and that basic necessities such as food and clothing are no longer an issue, what often comes to our mind is the thought of doing good deeds and charity work to help everyone. Because charity is human nature, specifically, charity stems from our nature to help. Mencius once said that everyone is born with good intentions. For example, when a child who plays near the well is about to fall into it, everyone will lend a helping hand. This is a behavior caused by the subconscious. Charity starts from sensibility and finally rationality. Sensual emotion is the driving force and the beginning of charity activities. Next, rational consciousness determines the direction of charity development. To us at InD’finity, we’ve always believed that giving to charity is our own spiritual need, not for others. It’s in fact, the progress and improvement of our own spirit. In other words, charity is conducive to the harmony and stability of society. We will spread love and let more people feel warm inside. “The roses in her hand, the flavor in mine”. When dedication becomes a habit, the human ecology will become a warm spring. Kategori Mengikut Semua
  • inD'finity Design 10th Anniversary | Giving 10th Anniversary

    It’s been 10 years. 10 years that filled of ups and downs. A decade of commitment. It’s been 10 years of experience, 10 years of development, a solid 10 years. 2019 is the 10th anniversary of InD’finity Design. The 10-year journey has not been easy. With perseverance, confidence, concerted efforts and enthusiasm, we are moving towards our new goals. Perseverance is often synonymous with success. What is perseverance? It means strong will, tenacity, persistence and patience. Perseverance is the perfect expression of willpower. 10 years of cultivation, 10 years of sweat, 10 years of achievement, as we look back into the past 10 years, we also look forward to the next more glorious and magnificent 10 years. To commemorate this special milestone, we present to you our plans for the next 10 years, in the most customer-rewarding way. 銆 I believe that our wealth and good life bring with it a responsibility to give back to the society. First, we vow to give back to our customers and realize the concept of ‘one home one dream’. The upgrade of conception on planning, design and build is pivoted on three major upgrades: the upgrade of service quality, the upgrade of lifestyle, and last but not least, the more profound aspect, the upgrade of the whole industry, and the pleasure of creating and owning a worry-free home that beautifies your life. Second, we vow to give back to the society, give the orphanage in need a new interior design, and assist them realize the dream of having a heartwarming home. We’ll do our very best to achieve CRS (Corporate Social Responsibility). In the past 10 years, InD’finity Design provided the two following added values to our customers in addition to interior design services. The first is that the drawings, quotations, progress claims, and handover documents we provide are in accordance with ISO specifications, which indirectly urges us to do better and better. The second added value is after-sales service. We offer our customers a 1-year after-sales quality assurance and certificate (terms and conditions apply) to offer them the greatest confidence. In other words, if you find a problem after you move in, we will follow up closely and solve it so that you can live comfortably. We shall not be content with the current achievement, but rather use it as a basis to be prepared to take on any upcoming challenges at anytime. In the past 10 years, our heart of gratitude walked with you. Kategori Mengikut Semua
  • Urban Luxury Sleek Contemporary . Best Interior Design Malaysia | High Rise by inD'finity Design

    Inspired by the play of the sun throughout the daily hours, we fully utilize light reflective surface and noble materials palette in combination with clean, modern lines of the furniture elements and wooden shades dominated colour palette. The combination of different beige, grey and ivory nuances starts from the foyer of the home, exploring the calm and luxurious feel of the design. The entire spaces are decided with shinning bronze, marble and hand scraped surface timber floor which reflect the light beautifully. Different textural patches and alternating wooden, brass or marble cladding of walls represent the different functional zones of the spacious living premise. Yet wooden cladding ceiling, wallpaper and custom made furniture add warn caramel colour sparkle and organic feel to the materials composition. Last but not least, besides aesthetic, environmental friendly material ion paint, real wood and formaldehyde coating is the sign of care from us to our client to ensure the healthiest, safest, freshest air for exhilarating living space. Kategori Mengikut Semua
  • What we have done during MCO | episode ll

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  • inD' Design Disinfection Demo Video

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  • inD' Design | Winner of Golden Bull Award

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  • inD' Design | Grandeur Int Business Award 2017.18

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  • inD' Design | The Scandi Glamour . Episode l

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  • inD' Design | The Scandi Glamour. Episode ll

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  • inD' Design | Good Bye 2020

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  • inD' Design | 鎴戠殑鍗曡韩鍏瘬

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  • inD' Design | 鐢熸椿瑕佹湁浠紡鎰 . 鍐滃巻鏂板勾甯冪疆

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  • inD' Design | Boss's Day

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  • inD' Design | 姣忓ぉ鍥炲閮藉儚鍦ㄥ害鍋

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  • inD' Design | The Exquisite Bar Design

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  • inD' Design | DOTY Awards 2020

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  • inD' Design | Appreciate of Everything

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  • inD' Design | 瀹ゅ唴璁捐鐨勫彟涓涓〃杈炬柟寮 . l

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  • inD' Design | 瀹ゅ唴璁捐鐨勫彟涓涓〃杈炬柟寮 . ll

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  • inD' Design | Christmas Fun 2018

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  • inD' Design | Project Transforming

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  • inD' Design | atap Awards 2020

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  • inD' Design | Luxury Lifestyle Awards 2021

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  • inD' Design | CSR Program 2021

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  • inD' Design . Darren Gan | SUCCESSFUL PEOPLE IN MALAYSIA 2021

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  • inD' Design . d' Ruma | atap awards 2021

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  • inD' Design . DARREN GAN | 淇濈暀涓斿垱鏂扮殑鍥介檯浼佷笟

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  • inD' Design daily | 14072022

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  • inD' Design daily | the Interior Design process 070922

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  • inD' Celebration | Happy Birthday Designers

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  • inD' Design daily | 21092022

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  • inD' Design daily | be proud of your progress 280922

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  • inD' Design daily | the end of the project

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  • Wellous Malaysia | Energetic Space With Eco-Friendly Charm . I

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  • inD' Design daily | Work-in-Progress

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  • inD' Design daily | Love your family, work super hard, live your passion.

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  • inD' Design Achievement | 2022 MUSE DESIGN AWARDS COMMENDS YOU!

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  • inD' Design daily | keep on doing!

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  • inD' Design | GOOD DAY to START

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  • inD' Design | Wellous Group Limited Office

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  • inD鈥 Design daily | make it simple but significant!

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  • inD鈥 Design daily | work in process

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  • inD鈥 Design | before and after home tour

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  • inD' Design daily | 06042023

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  • inD' Design | 灞.JU

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  • Urban Luxury Sleek Contemporary . Best Interior Design Malaysia | High Rise by inD'finity Design

    Inspired by the play of the sun throughout the daily hours, we fully utilize light reflective surface and noble materials palette in combination with clean, modern lines of the furniture elements and wooden shades dominated colour palette.

    The combination of different beige, grey and ivory nuances starts from the foyer of the home, exploring the calm and luxurious feel of the design. The entire spaces are decided with shinning bronze, marble and hand scraped surface timber floor which reflect the light beautifully. Different textural patches and alternating wooden, brass or marble cladding of walls represent the different functional zones of the spacious living premise. Yet wooden cladding ceiling, wallpaper and custom made furniture add warn caramel colour sparkle and organic feel to the materials composition.

    Last but not least, besides aesthetic, environmental friendly material ion paint, real wood and formaldehyde coating is the sign of care from us to our client to ensure the healthiest , safest , freshest air for exhilarating living space.

    Kategori Mengikut Semua
  • inD' Design daily | the HOME

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  • inD’ Design daily | work in process

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  • inD’ Design daily | be more productive

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  • inD’ Design | before and after home tour

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  • inD’ Design daily | 06042023

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  • inD' Design | WELLOUS Holdings Sdn. Bhd.

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  • inD’ Design Achievement | DOTY AWARD 2022

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  • inD’ Design | STAY TUNED

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  • inD’ Design daily 120523

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  • inD’ Design daily | create, design and build

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  • inD' Design | 理想中的家

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  • inD’ Design daily | 26052023

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  • inD' Design daily | site inspection

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  • inD' Design daily | begining of interior design

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  • inD’ Design daily | house becomes HOME

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A-3A-3, Level 6, Block A, Menara Uncang Emas (UE3), 85, Jalan Loke Yew, 55200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
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