- Category by Ichikami Hair Care
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Hadabisei 3D Facial Mask
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1028 Visual Therapy Moisture Infusion CC Essence Cream
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Ichikami Hair Care
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1028 Visual Therapy Comparison Between Unseen Mesh Compact & Nude Cushion Compact
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1028 Visual Therapy Longwear Eyebrow Definer
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1028 Visual Therapy Unseen Mesh Compact
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1028 Visual Therepy Unsee Mesh Compact
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1028 x 11street Makeup Tutorial
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Avance Lash In Serum Mascara
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Koiji easy lash (how to use)
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1028 Blush Brush Me
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Himawari Hair Care
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Koji Dream Magic Eyetape
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Hadabisei All In One Mask
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Himawari Hair Care
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1028 Eyeshadow Palette
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1028 Macaron Eyeshadow Palette
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1028 Longwear Eyebrow Definer
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Kikumasamune Review
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Kikumasamune Skin Care Review
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Hadabisei Eye Mask
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Hadabisei Pore Tightening Mask
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Ichikami Hair Stick
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Ichikami Hair Care TVC 2018
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Koji Eyetalk (How To Use)
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Himawari Special Movie | Kracie
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1028 blogger Review
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1028 Visual Therapy 開箱文:One Brand迷你化妝教學哦! 裡面的化妝品都美美的
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Simple Makeup Tutorial with 1028 Visual Therapy | by Joanne Wee
- 《多色迷》 精製大勢色調,完美攻守的零失誤眼影盤 #跟棕 經典百搭大地楓糖色,不失手打造深邃眼神 #藕然 煙燻無花果色,華麗展現高質感眼妝 《顯色控》 半濕式高純度發色技術 輕抹即服貼顯色,不卡眼皮 《玩色潮》 一盤入手多種質地 霧面、金屬光交叉暈染出百變眼妝 Category by 1028
【恆貼 持色 不飛粉】1028 使眼色限量9色眼彩盤 1028 Eye Shadow Palette (Meet Up/ Follow Up)
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Brownie Inspired Makeup Tutorial ft 1028 | One Brand Malaysian Drugstore Makeup | DaintyDashBeauty
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1028 visual therapy | how to macaron eyes
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INSTAGRAM Romantic Chocolate Brownie Makeup TUTORIAL || 1028 VISUAL THERAPY COSMETIC
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Koji C-tive (How to use)
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My Macaroni Look by 1028 Visual Therapy
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Getting Ready with 1028
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1028 Visual Therapy X Butterfly Project | Kawaii + Everday Makeup Tutorial
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Tips & Tricks on my Daily Makeup Routine | Nicole Yie
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Eye Talk Strong Eye Tape
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Koji Eyetalk Super Hold (How To Use)
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Ichikami Special Movie | Kracie
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【這群人X1028 世紀考驗賽 】
- 台湾Kevin老师强推肌美精,日本美女人手一盒的美肤秘密 Category by Kracie
[Kevin 想得美] -Kracie
- 1028的【pH7.5 深層清潔眼唇卸妝液】, 真的像眼淚般的溫和!✨ 不信妳看影片中的模特兒,邊敷邊卸, 完全沒有一・點・點刺激或不舒服的現象! Category by 1028
【開箱實測】一敷即卸!1028. pH7.5 深層清潔眼唇卸妝液
- 你聽過仙女怎麼洗臉嗎!! 仙女不只送公文,還要洗出淨亮滑蛋肌才夠仙😎 回購率Top1 洗面乳再升級🎉 新上市 #1028超綿密泡泡洗面乳 泡泡更細緻綿密😍 洗掉 #乾燥肌 #蠟黃肌 #混合油肌 夏日肌膚依然透亮😆 Category by 1028
這樣洗臉才夠仙!1028超綿密泡泡洗面乳 新上市!
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日本新科技雙眼皮膠水 Eyetalk Hybrid Film Very Easy To Use
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Kracie Epilat - Depilation & Epilation (Unwanted Hair)
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Club Cosmetics Suppin Powder Review
- ☁️讓口罩多戴一天的鎖妝神器☁️ 1028 Oil Cut!超吸油嫩蜜粉 新上市 粉狀定妝更輕盈,修飾毛孔好輕透✨ ∷∷∷超吸油∷∷∷ 細緻粉體,瞬間吸附多餘油脂 ∷∷∷淨肌色∷∷∷ 柔焦礦物鬆粉,填補肌膚孔隙 ∷∷∷好持妝∷∷∷ 零脫妝 × 抗汗水 × 不溶妝 × 不浮粉 💙出門前上 #超控油校色飾底乳 + #超吸油嫩蜜粉 幫你 防曬校色 × 控油柔焦 × 潤色定妝 💙出門後靠 #超吸油蜜粉餅 輕巧補妝 × 瞬吸油光 Category by 1028
超吸油嫩蜜粉 [1028 oil cut! ultra longwear pressed powder 5g]
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1028 Super Shimmering Highlighter Reviews
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1028 oil control
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1028 Volume Curl Waterproof Mascara
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1028 Visual therapy Ultimate Super Black Eyeliner Smudgeproof WATERPROOF REVIEWS
- This face cream minimizes the appearance of uneven skin tone and enlarged pores to create brighter, softer, smoother, marshmallow-like skin with a matte finish. Category by Club Cosmetics
CLUB SUPPIN CREAM [How To Use] {before n after}
- 【Club Cosmetics】CLUB Suppin Skin Lotion 500ml Club Cosmetic is a over 116 years history cosmetic company base on OSAKA, Japan. Our Face Cleansing Powder have been recognizing in Japan since 1906 and currently using by world wide repeatly consumer Desricption : The Skin Lotion removes dead skin cells, clean pores, andmakes you skin look bright and healthy. Coix Lacryma-Jobi Ma-yuen Seed Extract and Aloe Barbadensis LeafExtract moisturize your skin. Pure grapefruit fragrance. how to use ● Apply this product after facewash and recommeded to use with our Club Suppin Cream Content : 500ml Made In Japan #Lotion #MadeInJapan #Moisture #FaceLotion #BodyLotion #DrySkin #Handcream #SAKURA #NudeSkin #EyelashSerum ■Country of Origin Japan Category by Club Cosmetics
CLUB Suppin Skin Lotion FEATURES~~~
- Blue : Rose fragrance. Green : White floral fragrance. Yellow : Blooming citrus scent Pink : Sakura Scent of beautiful but short blooming cherry blossoms, cherry blossom sweet fragrance. Facial pressed powder improves the appearance of fine lines and blemishes. Contains hyaluronic acid and collagen that moisturise skin and improve skin texture. Contains hyaluronic acid, collagen Cover face wrinkles & pores Wash Free, can use over night Made in Japan CLUB COSME 出浴素顏蜜粉 (粉綠色 - 清甜白花束香) 26g ▶️內含膠原蛋白和玻尿酸,能增加肌膚透明感光滑度,更滋潤嫩滑 ▶️24小時無需卸妝或洗臉,睡眠時作保養亦可,時刻保持迷人狀態 ▶️可於出街前或護膚後使用,護膚同時美肌,展現彷如浸完溫泉既肌膚 ▶️同時有效隔離空氣中刺激物、污染物,如香煙的刺激成份,避免刺激皮膚 ▶️配合清甜白花香味,自然令人煥然一新 Category by Club Cosmetics